Sunday, January 17, 2010

remarks on impermanence

Sunday Jan. 17, 2010. Today is the third day I've done my upper body routine. It's just small hand weights, but it gets me breathing. I'm starting to come out of my shell. I didn't realize how closed down, inhibited, I've been living here while the neighbors were in residence. The quiet and peace that has settled in is becoming refreshing. Each day that passes I feel better. Certain things do trigger setbacks, but then I breath in the good feeling after I drank some hot green tea with honey. I had homemade lemonade this morning. I'm all carbed up right now due to the spagetti with plain sauce I had to make. That was the last meal I can dredge up. Tomorrow is a big day. Monday. Definitely going to the gym no matter what. There's just enough gas for that. I feel somewhat clearer today and working out and some hydrotherapy will energize me. I look forward to trying to hit the treadmill. Curious what other movements I can accomplish with whatever weight or resistance. Workout. Something good to look forward to. I have got to anchor Jim and help him come out of his shell. He must have expended a lot of energy and had some residual stress in dealing with police and that terrible guy. I figured out the Mexican guy is way more prejudiced than I am, because his hatred eats at him and causes his rage and calculated malicious behaviors. I wish I could save the world, but I know I can't. It's a really hard job.

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