Saturday, January 2, 2010

Being afraid is not fun...

but being the more patient and compassionate person is. For going on four days now, the neighbors have continued one appalling behavior after another, each with increasing and almost unbelievable levels of terrorism, while or during which time they are attempting to move out. The vibrations and frequencies coming from them is so dense and so low I think they may actually be suffocating themselves. I have managed to endure round after round of fire crackers being thrown toward the fenceline. I endured them playing loud mariachi band instruments when they should have been moving. They yell at my dogs, at each other, and their children keep getting hurt and screaming too. It's a circus. When it all gets quiet, I hold on to that blessed silence and keep telling myself, slow and steady wins this race. The crazy psycho neighbor can't engage me if I don't allow him to. If he only knew how stupid I think he must be. All because I am the new owner and actually the original owner of the house they rented from my old friend Roy who died and left me my farm back. I and my friend Jim have suffered untold hardships and it's now time for us to have a better life. These people need to go, and soon. I must hold on and believe it will be soon.

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